The Times of Tanzania
Eastern Africa News Network, Breaking News Tanzania

Was Hamza Hassan’s ‘brother’ previously killed in Somalia?

A Mogadishu news outlet is claiming that Hamza Hassan Mohammed, the gunslinger who got shot outside the French Embassy in Dar-es-salaam, was a brother to a certain man who was previously also murdered in Central Somalia.

The Hiiraan Online of Mogadishu insinuates that ‘The man behind the killing of three police officers and a security guard near French Embassy in Dar-es-salaam’ was brother to yet another the person who got killed in the country some years back.

HOL quotes a ‘source’ close to the deceased who ‘preferred anonymity,’ saying Hamza has been under police radar for quite some time.

The Somalian Online news portal claimed further that, Mohammed’s alleged brother was killed in Elbur, in the Central Somalia Region of Galgadud,

Hamza who attacked and killed four people, three cops and a private security guard, on Wednesday, the 25th of August in Dar-es-salaam, was shot dead by the police as he fired shots from the middle of the road, next to the French Embassy.

The suspect was buried in Dar, last Sunday night of August 29.

The Somalian news outlet leaves lots of gaps in the story which tries to connect Hamza with an unnamed person killed in the country after being associated with an Islamic terrorist group, Al-Shabaab.

Still, many people in Tanzania have been wondering where the suspect had learned to expertly handle an AK-47 weapon.

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