The Times of Tanzania
Eastern Africa News Network, Breaking News Tanzania

University of Dodoma rocks sports competition for Higher Institutions of Learning in Eastern Africa

Female students from the University of Dodoma have emerged the overall winners during the third season for the annual East African Higher Institutions of learning games.

The UDOM girls managed to take home four top trophies in Netball, Soccer, Basketball and relay racing, beating eight other universities.

On the other hand, Wina Ruvanda from University of Dodoma also managed to win the 200 meters relay race.

In Volleyball it was the Makerere University of Uganda which took home the crown.

The Kisii University of Kenya on the other hand won the trophy in Handball.

A total of nine higher institutions of higher learning from Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania participated in this year’s Eastern Africa Sports bonanza held in Arusha over the Easter weekend.

“These sporting events are specifically for female students of higher institutions of learning from all over the Eastern African Region,” said Professor Simon Muhayi of the University of Nairobi who is the President of the Eastern Africa University Sports.

While there are over 12 countries in the Eastern Africa games platform, the countries that participated in the sports events that took place in Arusha over the weekend were Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.

Held at the Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) grounds in Meru District, the three-day event involved soccer, volleyball, athletics and basketball.

The Sports Trainer at the University of Dodoma, Patrick Mwani who is also the Treasurer of Eastern African University Sports said UDOM has managed to raise the country’s flag high in the region.

Hellen John is the UDOM Netball team coach who said the regional sports competition helps to strengthen their university teams but also opens doors to employment opportunities as well as scholarships.

The games were also in preparation for the forthcoming General University Games to be held in Kenya next December 2024 when all students, boys and girls will participate at Maseno University grounds.

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