The Times of Tanzania
Eastern Africa News Network, Breaking News Tanzania

Kenya Scoops All Medals, Beating Uganda, Tanzania in Schools Games

As expected Kenya has amassed 366 points in the ongoing Federation of East African Secondary Schools Sports Association games taking place in Arusha.

Kenya, the East African Athletics Powerhouse, has raked in a total of 37 medals from the FEASSSA games being hosted in Tanzania.

The athletics medals that Kenya attained in the games include 18 gold, 10 silvers and 9 bronzes thus emerging the overall winners.

Uganda, which takes the second position in athletics with 35 medals and 341 points.

The Ugandan earned Medals include 11 Golds, 14 Silvers and 10 Bronzes.

Tanzania which hosts FEASSSA games in Arusha managed the third position with 240 points in total.

The country also earned a measly lineup of 18 medals among them 1 Gold, 6 Silvers and 11 Bronzes.

It was quite an improvement for Tanzania which during the previous games in 2019 earned just a single silver medal.

Rwanda comes fourth in the games with 57 points and a single bronze medal.

The Rwandan Team

Kenyan athletics coach, Jason Meli says this year’s FEASSSA games were tougher and more competitive than previous ones.

Apparently, Kenya was being represented by 40 athletics in the event, among them 20 girls and 20 boys.

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