The Times of Tanzania
Eastern Africa News Network, Breaking News Tanzania

Story of the Tanzanian lady who reportedly Killed her own mother in Texas, before escaping to Dar

Wylumva Ngongoseke, the daughter of the woman whose dead body got discovered in Texas after allegedly being killed by own daughter, a case which rocked the final month of 2021.

An arrest warrant for the young lady was later issued by the Travis County Sherrif’s Office.

It seems the wanted suspect had fled to Tanzania and somehow got holed up in Dar-es-salaam City.

Travis County Sherrif Office stated that the deputies were dispatched to respond to a check welfare call in the morning of the 9th December 2021.

The incident was reported at a home located on the Buffalo Ridge Drive.

Texas Chain of event Massacre

Inside the house, the cops discovered the body of Catherine Lyamvi Ngongoseke, a 60-year-old lady, resident of California, orginally from Tanzania.

The deceased had been stabbed multiple times. And if her own daughter really did that, other observed, it should be the case of mental health

Apparently, a neighbor had reported that large packages were ‘piling up,’ in front of Ngongoseke’s home and that she the lady hadn’t been seen around for several days, thus causing concern.

The Sherrif Department thus issued a warrant for the arrest of Ngongoseke’s daughter, a lady identified as Wylumva Kathleen Ngongoseke, charging her with murder. The Bond to that effect was set at US $500,000.

It was later confirmed by the TCSO that the daughter, Wylumva Ngongoseke fled from the United States and was in Africa. Being originally from Tanzania, the fugitive was traced to Dar-es-salaam City.

After several days however the suspect, a mother killer known as Wylumva was traced and eventually arrested in the Tanzanian Commercial Capital, Dar-es-salaam.

The Travis County Security organs working with the Dar-es-salaam Police managed to arrange for the suspect to be flown back to the United States so that she may face the charges. Which she did.

Cases of children turning against their own parents, or husbands killing wives and vice-versa became rampant in the year 2021 and 2022 in Tanzania, Kenya and most parts of East Africa.

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