The Times of Tanzania
Eastern Africa News Network, Breaking News Tanzania

Tanzania Fortifies Its Coastline Against Rising Sea Water levels

Tanzania is investing billions towards the construction of marine fortresses barricading the country’s Indian Ocean coastlines against the dangerously rising sea levels.

The concrete sea buffer-zones along the shorelines are among the country’s resilience creating efforts to offset some effects of climate change, including the rising ocean water levels.

The National Focal Point Officer for Climate Change, Dr Freddy Manyika, reveals that the government is building a wall around the historical Mikindani district, in Mtwara Region.

The sea walling project which takes 4.5 billion/- is among the steps taken to safeguard coastlines and seaside settlements against being swallowed up by the increasing ocean waters.

“The funds also include the construction of yet another sea wall in Sipwese Mkoani in the southern parts of Pemba Island.”

Dr Manyika, who is also Principal Forest Officer, Environment Division in the Vice President’s Office, reveals further that effects of climate change are causing the waterline to rise up, threatening to submerge investments, infrastructure as well as human settlements.

Another ocean wall to ward off the rising sea, is being erected along the Ocean Road section of the Indian Ocean Peninsular in Dar-es-salaam City.

Essentially these water barricading projects may cost some 7 billion/- in total.

Tanzania is also erecting another water wall in the Pangani area of Tanga Region, prevent the shoreline from the detrimental influence of rising sea level, ocean waves and related flooding.

The Indian Ocean Shoreline in Dar-es-salaam City

The Tanga and Dar-es-salaam projects, apparently, are being executed with inputs from the Climate Fund.

“In Pangani, for instance, we are building a sea wall measuring 950 meters at the cost of 1.5 billion/-”

According to the National Climate Change Focal Point Officer, the tasks of erecting marine buffer walls in the ocean can be very difficult and expensive undertakings.

The officer was speaking to reporters and writers who are members of the Journalists’ Environmental Association of Tanzania (JET).

The journalists paid a visit to his office in their environment programs funded by the special environmental coverage initiative funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the ‘Tuhifadhi Maliasili,’ Project.

The coastline of Tanzania meanders along a stretch of 1,424 Kilometers along the Indian Ocean from the border with Kenya up North to the Mozambique borderline down South.

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