The Times of Tanzania
Eastern Africa News Network, Breaking News Tanzania

President Samia concludes Royal Tour; But ‘Northern Tour’ comes up in November

As Samia Suluhu winds up her filming of The Royal Tour programs for Tanzania, the Head of State is already planning another countrywide itinerary in two-months’ time.

Samia concludes the shooting of ‘Royal Tour’ footages as she tours the Lake Victorian Zone.

The President has already recorded episodes featuring other parts of the country, while documenting the travel and adventure program.

Samia has filmed footages in Zanzibar Isles, Bagamoyo Coast, as well as the Marangu Route on Mount Kilimanjaro, to showcase trekking on Africa’s highest peak. Then virtually dived deep into the underground mines at Tanzanite Quarries of Mirerani Hills, in Simanjiro District.

Samia at Kilimanjaro gate, with Peter Greenberg the US journalist and producer of ‘The Royal Tour’ programs

She then took onto the Wildlife Reserves, filming in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and the Serengeti National Park, before connecting to the Lake Zone regions of Mwanza and Shinyanga for additional coverage of Gold and Diamond Mines, as well as cultural outings.

On her way to Ngorongoro and Serengeti, Samia stopped briefly in Karatu Township to greet people in the Township, where she revealed plans to make another tour, this time an official state trip into the Northern Zone precincts including Karatu District of Arusha.

“Filming of the Royal Tour ends on the 8th of September 2021; but this is just the shooting part. There is still a lot to be done regarding editing and compilation of footages, before the final documentary can be released,” she stated.

According to Samia, the ‘Royal Tour’ Television Series will be shown around the world, but there will also be arrangements for Tanzanians to watch the program

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