The Times of Tanzania
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UK Member of Parliament, Tracey, wants to see more female porters on Mount Kilimanjaro

British Member of Parliament, Tracey Crouch has offered a scholarship to one of the female porters working on Kilimanjaro, after being impressed with her services.

The Legislator from the UK made the pledge after successfully conquering the Uhuru Summit on the Kibo peak of Mount Kilimanjaro, an expedition she did for charity.

“I am really impressed by the female porters and mountain guides who seem to be working under tough conditions on Kilimanjaro,” Tracy Crouch stated upon arriving at Mweka gate, slightly exhausted.

“Still, I would like to see more women serving as porters or guides on Kilimanjaro but it should be under a better and more conducive environment,” the MP from the UK maintained.

The lucky Mountain Porter is Mariam Lucas Teele, aged 32, a resident of Sanawari area in the Sekei Ward of Arusha City.

She started out simply as a dishwasher at mountain camps, after completing education.

Mariam later became a porter and has been lugging up baggage for Kilimanjaro climbers for the last three years.

The young lady porter works for the ‘Big Expedition and Safari,’ the company which handled MP Crouch’s mission to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro.

Mariam now plans to enrol at the Mweka College of Wildlife to undertake guiding studies through the sponsorship from UK.

Angel Minja is the Managing Director of Big Expedition and Safaris.

She admits that Mariam Teele is a very dedicated and hardworking member of staff, thus deserves the scholarship.

 “Tracy Crouch’s expedition was a Deluxe VIP trip, which called for proper service and handling,” she explains, adding the climbers enjoyed their trekking.

MP Crouch, who led a team of seven women from England, managed to raise nearly USD 200,000, translating into 150,000 pounds as charity funding for breast cancer treatment back in the United Kingdom.

Former Sports Minister, Tracy Crouch is Conservative Member of Parliament for Chatham and Aylesford constituencies.

The British Member of Parliament together with other women is climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, which features Africa’s highest peak, as a charitable mission for Breast Cancer Kent, the charity which supports her.

 As it happens, Tracey Crouch was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020 but after undergoing treatment, has been cured of the disease.

Now together with six other women, Tracy climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, in Moshi, Tanzania, to raise funds for cancer treatments in aid of other women.

Tracy says she wants to not just give something back to the charity but also accomplish all the things that she had always wanted to do.

The money raised from their Kilimanjaro expedition will help Breast Cancer Kent acquire the state of the art equipment that speeds up diagnosis times through the procession of biopsies at a much faster rate.

The MP Expedition started their climb on July 29, 2023 through the Lemosho Route.

After summiting she trekked back to the Mweka gates on August 5, 2023.

Her Kilimanjaro climbing mission was organized by the Action Challenge of the United Kingdom in association with the ‘Big Expedition and Safari,’ firm of Tanzania.

Team leader, Collette Stewart explains that the Action Challenge has been organizing inspirational challenge events and adventures in both the United Kingdom and Worldwide, since 1999.

“Our expeditions are usually for individuals, groups, companies but with special emphasis on charities and other humanitarian services,” she adds.

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