The Times of Tanzania
Eastern Africa News Network, Breaking News Tanzania

Tanzania Gets New Foreign Minister as Ambassador Liberata Mulamula Dropped

Ambassador Liberata Mulamula, who has been serving as Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Cooperation has been relieved of her duties.

A statement from the State House is to the effect that Ms Liberata is now being replaced by Dr Stergomena Lawrence Tax in that position.

Before becoming Minister, Liberata Mulamula has for over 35 years been serving as a diplomat and administrator in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Cooperation.

That includes serving as Tanzanian ambassador overseas.

On the other hand, Dr Tax, who is now replacing Mulamula in the Foreign Ministry, was formerly the Minister of Defense and National Service.

A rather taxing job. Dr Stergomena now gets new ministry

She made history in Tanzania for being the first ever female defense Minister since the country became independent.

Before Being appointed into the position, Dr Tax used to serve as the Executive Secretary of the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

The Ministry of Defense and National Service will now be headed by Innocent Bashungwa who was previously the Minister of State in the President’s Office (Regional Administration and Local Government).

Before that, Bashungwa had previously served as Minister of Information, Culture, Arts and Sports.

In order to fill the docket, President Samia Suluhu Hassan has anointed Angellah Jasmine Kairuki into the Parliamentary Special seats, which thus qualifies her to become a Minister.

From that, Angellah now serves as the new Minister of State in the President’s Office (Regional Administration and Local Government).

Angellah Kairuki is not new in the Cabinet or that Ministerial Position either.

She was once the Minister of State in the President’s Office during her last appointment.

Before that Ms Kairuki worked as Minister of Mining and also the Deputy Minister for Lands, Housing and Human Settlement as well as Constitutional and Legal Affairs.

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