The Times of Tanzania
Eastern Africa News Network, Breaking News Tanzania

Earthquake Rocks Arusha, Manyara and Kilimanjaro, with Magnitude 4.6

An Earthquake of Magnitude 4.6 has hit various parts of Arusha and Manyara Regions.

The tremor was also felt in parts of Kilimanjaro and across the border into Kajiado, Kenya.

It is the sixth earthquake to hit Tanzania in the course of 2022, this one was mostly felt in Northern parts of Tanzania.

However, the tremor featured a rather shallow depth of 10 kilometres beneath the epicentre.

And according to the United States Geological Survey, the epicenter of the earthquake could be around Karatu District.

Karatu township stands between Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Eyasi and Lake Manyara.

The tremor was felt from 19:09 hours in the evening of August 30, 2022.

But, the exact magnitude, epicentre, and depth of the quake might be revised within the next few hours.

Seismologists are reviewing data and refine their calculations, or as other agencies issue their report.

Earthquake hits Arusha, Kilimanjaro

A second report was later issued by the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC), which listed it as a magnitude 4.6 earthquake as well.

A third agency, the citizen-seismograph network of RaspberryShake, reported the same quake at magnitude 4.6.

Based on the preliminary seismic data, the quake was probably felt by many people around the area of the epicenter.

People in Arusha City, Karatu Town, Monduli and Mto-wa-Mbu in Arusha Region did experience the tremor.

Others in Babati Municipality of Manyara and some parts of Kilimanjaro Region also experienced the rhumbling.

Its resulting shaking, according to experts, could not have caused significant damage, other than objects falling from shelves, broken windows and moving chairs.

The active volcano at Mount Oldonyo Lengai is always believed to be the source of most quakes affecting Northern Tanzania with its tremors being felt to as far as Nairobi, Kenya.

Geoparks Africa reports that Tanzania has experienced more than five tremors in 2022

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