The Times of Tanzania
Eastern Africa News Network, Breaking News Tanzania

Book on President Samia Suluhu’s Two Years in Power Launches

A six-hundred-page book compilation highlighting the 24 months of President Samia Suluhu Hassan leadership has just been launched in Dodoma.

The Publication going under the title of ‘Continuity with Vision: ‘The Roadmap to Success for President Samia Suluhu Hassan,’ is a literary compilation of the Institute of Rural Development Planning (IRDP), based in the Capital City.

It has a total of 606 pages and the book contents feature contributions from scholars of several institutions of higher learning as well as international writers.

The publication comes in three distinctive sections, starting with the evaluation of the legacy of the late President John Pombe Magufuli presidency, from which the current head of state continues the work.

There are reflections on the first year of President Samia Suluhu Hassan’s administration.

Writers also try to study future opportunities and challenges, which will likely face her government.

The Dodoma Regional Commissioner, Rosemary Senyamule hailed the academics for their initiatives.

“Finally we have a book about the legacy of a leader while she is still in office; other publications usually come after the subjects’ terms.”

The Executive Director of the Eastern and Southern African Universities Research Programme (ESAURP), Dr Mutakyahwa Ruta said the writers of the book find President Samia Suluhu Hassan inheriting all goods from previous phases while also correcting shortcomings.

 “The book has 27 substantive chapters, each addressing a particular sector of Tanzania’s economy or society,” he explains.

The IRDP Deputy Rector in charge of Academic, Research and Consultancy, Prof Provident Dimoso is among the book editors and says the publication is the reflection from Tanzanian Brains regarding President Samia performance for the last two years.

The IRDP’s Rector, Prof Hozen Mayaya who also co-authored the book, reveals that what is contained in the book is just a starting point as more research continues across the country.

With support from financial institutions such as the CRDB Bank, NMB Bank and AFRICAB, the book is the compilation work of 45 authors from Tanzania and abroad.

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