The Times of Tanzania
Eastern Africa News Network, Breaking News Tanzania

Over 500 Rwandan Police Officers to be fired

Kigali: More than 500 Police officers in Rwanda will soon get dismissed from the force allegedly due to corruption and alcoholism. 

The Rwandan police have announced that about 500 policemen will be jettisoned from the security force for misconducts.

The allegedly rogue cops have been discovered to be accepting bribes and drinking themselves into stupor.

The Deputy Director General of Police in charge of Administration and Personnel (DIGP) Jeanne Chantal Ujeneza, has just announced in Kigali.

It was during the traffic oriented, ‘Gerayo Amahoro,’ or as known as Reach Safe, program was being resumed to campaign for road safety.

The Police Chief JC Ujeneza made the statement against Rogue Officer when in Muhanga District.

DIGP Ujeneza said that corruption cases pitting police officers are mostly bribes offered by motorists on the highways.

He appealed to drivers to refrain from tipping the police unnecessarily as the act only serves to corrupt the men and women in uniforms.

The DIGP warned that when it comes to corruption the law punishes both the giver and the receiver of bribes.

“The traffic police have been receiving money, tips and gifts from drivers, car owners, motorcyclists, and bicycle riders. And people who are fast at issuing bribes are the ones who usually break the law, therefore extend money to blind the law enforcers,” said Ujeneza.

“From now forthwith, any policeman found to be involved in cases of corruption will be expelled from the force in addition to other punitive measures including being arraigned to courts of law,” maintains the Rwandan Police Chief.

As it happens the police department has already compiled a list of rogue cops that are soon going to be shown the door out of the base.

There are 500 names of doomed police officers that will soon find themselves on streets due to various reasons.

While many have been steeped in bribery cases, there are some that seem to be deep in barrels of liquor, slurring in alcoholism.

“Come to think of it, drunkenness usually goes in sync with cases of corruption and malpractice,” concludes the Rwandan DIGP Ujeneza

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