The Times of Tanzania
Eastern Africa News Network, Breaking News Tanzania

Ngorongoro Residents disown impostors, outfit New Team of 60 to address Disputes

A special committee made up of 60 representatives from the Sale, Loliondo and Ngorongoro Divisions has been formed to address the long-reigned conflicts in the precincts.

An official statement from the Chairperson of traditional elders’ sects in the Ngorongoro District, Metui Ole Shaudo, confirms that the committee involves all groups including, the elderly, women groups, the youth, pastoralists and members of the local business communities.

Also in the team there are ward councilors, scholars and other residents in the area.

“The committee was formed under supervision from the Ngorongoro District officials as well as the area Member of Parliament Emmanuel Lekishoni and community leaders,” stated Ole Shaudo.

He said their is most inclusive team made up of real residents of Ngorongoro.

Of late the media has been awash with impostors, claiming to be residents of Ngorongoro but have been discovered to be racketeers out on some fishy agenda.

Edward Maura, the councilor for Nainokanoka and Kijooli Kakeya a special seats representative from Sale have both vowed to help smoke out impostors feigning to be residents of Ngorongoro.

Will the new Committee spell new dawn for Ngorongoro Residents?

Coming from the recently held meeting in Arusha, the statement declares that this time the new committee only wants to come up with a lasting solution to the ongoing controversies, in the country’s most important district.

Current burning issues in Ngorongoro include the contested 1500 square kilometers of land mapped within Sale and Loliondo hills, which is being threatened with annexation from the natives.

There is also the rather sensitive issue of relocation of native pastoralists from the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.

Among the tasks that the committee is supposed to be undertaking is collecting ideas, suggestions and other contributions from all residents regarding the proper ways of solving conflicts and addressing controversies in Sale and Loliondo divisions.

The Committee will also tackle the issue of Ngorongoro Division in which the Conservation Area Authority is mapped and recent conflicts regarding displacement of native residents arose.

The Arusha meeting of native Ngorongoro residents, took time to thank President Samia Suluhu Hassan for appointing new Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism.

“We appeal to the new Minister, Pindi Chana to halt all ongoing missions targeting to interfere with the peaceful process of solving Ngorongoro problems,” delegates stated.

Many of the problems affecting residents of Ngorongoro, which is the largest district in Arusha Region, are related to land, water sources and Human-Wildlife conflicts, investors’ invading areas belonging to native residents and some cultural clashes.

Many residents of Loliondo and Ngorongoro Divisions are natives of the Serengeti.

They were forced to vacate from their original residencies when the colonial government converted the Serengeti plains into a National Park back in the year 1958.

The mostly Maasai residents were relocated to the place which is now known as Loliondo Game Controlled Area and Ngorongoro Conservation Area under official agreement and contracts.

But even in their new settlements, the nomadic pastoralists have been facing invasion from aliens and threats of losing their lands, cattle and settlements.

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