The Times of Tanzania
Eastern Africa News Network, Breaking News Tanzania

Media gets field day as King Charles trips on Carpet in Kenya

‘News but not as you know it,’ is the tagline for the Metro newspaper in the United Kingdom.

And sure enough, the media outlet’s coverage of King Charles trip to Kenya was all about the monarch ‘tripping,’ on the carpet.

In fact they chose a defining caption for the page 2 photo of Charles III stumbling on a green turf; it reads ‘The King Trip!’

“Of all the beautiful photos taken, Metro decided to choose the monarch’s clumsy moment snap, to illustrate Charles III trip to Kenya, which was labelled ‘trip in Kenya!’

But back in the country itself, the Kenyan social media platforms have been awash with clips of yet another awkward moment in King Charles’ itinerary of Nairobi.

 A security officer who for some reason decided to be in a hurry, slipped and fell face down at the Kenyan State House, just an inch from where King Charles III was standing.

The incident, captured live on Television, went viral as people shared the clip with zest on all social media platforms.

It carried various embedded titles, ‘Karibu aangukie mfalme,’ (He almost fell on the King), ‘Alitaka kuvunja Charles Miguu (He wanted to break Charles’ legs) and various other Memes with hilarious effects in the media-free Kenya.

But that was not all; the King of England himself almost hit the ground when he tripped on a turf during a visit at the War Heroes’ Cemetery in Kariokor section of Nairobi City.

King Charles III and Queen Camilla visited a war cemetery in Nairobi to honour Africans who fought for Britain and died in process during the two world wars.

The Monarchs laid wreaths at the soldiers’ graves and later on met a number of Kenyan veterans, some of them being pushed on wheelchairs.

It was during the Kariokor Cemetery trip that King Charles III ‘tripped’ and almost fell while laying a wreath at the war memorial graveyard.

Queen Camilla who accompanied the King, reached out to grab hold of the Monarch who however balanced himself quickly.

The King stumbled while laying wreath but did not fall. The Star newspaper of Nairobi labelled it as ‘The King Stumble!’

The King then put his sunglasses on and calmly walked away and the incident seemed not to deter him as he swiftly proceeded with the programme of the day to honour brave soldiers who fought for the crown in World War I and II.

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