The Times of Tanzania
Eastern Africa News Network, Breaking News Tanzania

New African Court Premises: Judges Meet President Samia in Dar-es-Salaam

Judges from the African Court on Human and People’s Rights paid a courtesy call on President Samia Suluhu Hassan at the State House in Dar-es-salaam.

Led by the Court President, Lady Justice Imani Daud Aboud, the delegation from Arusha discussed a number of issues, with the Tanzanian Head of State.

Among the topics was the current issue of the construction of the permanent premises for the Pan-African Legal Institution.

The Pan-African Court has its permanent seat in Arusha.

President Samia Suluhu reaffirmed Tanzania’s support to the African Court as well as continental justice Process.

As it happens the African Court which executes its continental legal duties from Northern Tanzania, plans to move into its own permanent premises.

At the Moment the Africa Court is temporarily being hosted at the Tanzania National Parks’ Premises in the Majengo section of Arusha City.

President Samia Suluhu (Center), the Minister for Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation Liberata Mulamula (Third Right) the Minister of Constitutional and Legal Affairs Damas Ndumbaro (Third Left), African Court President Lady Justice Imani Aboud (Fourth Left) with the Judges

But Recently, Tanzania, through the National Budget estimates for the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation, approved funds for the African Court’s own building.

The National Assembly in Dodoma endorsed 4 billion/- equivalent to USD 1.7 million for the construction of the court’s permanent building in the outskirts of the Arusha City.

Court’s President, Lady Justice Aboud hailed the decision taken by the Parliament of Tanzania, saying it was a historical move.

The African Court is now focusing on speedy construction of the new landmark building in Arusha.

Already the government of Tanzania has allocated about 25 hectares of land to the Court, along the Great North Road on the hill known as ‘Laki-Laki.’

The current TANAPA premises is where the African Court Moved into after shifting operations from the Arusha International Conference Center (AICC) complex.

Once constructed the new Court’s Building will share location with the United Nation’s Mechanism for International Tribunals.

The Mechanism carries on the works of the formerly International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and Yugoslavia.

The African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (also known as the Court) is a continental court established by African countries to ensure the protection of human and peoples’ rights in Africa.


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