The Times of Tanzania
Eastern Africa News Network, Breaking News Tanzania

National Service starts enrolling youth for volunteering programs

Young Tanzanians interested to join the National Service forces can now enroll for the Jeshi la Kujenga Taifa through a special volunteering program whose window is now open for registration exercise.

Speaking in Dodoma, the Head of Administration of the National Service (JKT) Brigadier General Hassan Mabena said the youth can join the National Service to serve under various sectors including fisheries, irrigation, psychology, wildlife conservation, livestock keeping and civil engineering.

“The youth with backgrounds that align with the listed professions and those that show clear interest in those sectors stand to be given higher priority,” Brigadier General Mabena stated, adding that the National Service is now molding dedicated young people.

The National Service will be holding interview sessions for potential JKT recruits at the NS Headquarters in Chamwino District of Dodoma on August 28, while successful candidates are expected to report to their respective JKT training bases from 26 to 29 September 2023.

Brigadier General Hassan Mabena insisted that the forthcoming intake is strictly for volunteering programs to cultivate talented youth into vocational training, career studies and life skills.

“They will come out fully prepared for any job, task or challenge that the world will throw at them,” explained Brigadier General Mabena, pointing out that the volunteering programs are not necessarily meant to provide the youth with direct employment at the National Service.

So how will the interested youth submit their applications?

According to the National Service’s Head of Administration the application process is being coordinated through the offices of the Regional Commissioners, countrywide.

Applicants can be young people who have completed primary education, secondary studies or even institutions of higher learning but their ages should not exceed twenty-two years.

The interested volunteers fresh from school, are required to have completed their studies during the 2020, 2021 and 2022 years. They are also supposed to have their academic certificates with them during the interview sessions.

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