The Times of Tanzania
Eastern Africa News Network, Breaking News Tanzania

Nairobi Rushes Past Zanzibar to introduce Food Tourism in the Region

The Kenyan Tourism and Wildlife Cabinet Secretary, Najib Balala has just unveiled a gastronomy promotional video which showcases Nairobi as a prime destination for culinary experiences.

Essentially the event was the launch of special ‘Food Tourism’ in the Kenyan Capital.

While the coastal destination of Mombasa is more synonimous with tourism in Kenya, Nairobi isn’t far behind and now the City is adding food to the menu of its tourism offerings.

Nairobi adds food in the city tourism package

Nairobi’s trademark tourism outings that so far include contemporary city tours, night life, and some game drive in the adjoining National park.

When it comes to food however, the Stone Town in the main Zanzibar Island tops the menu with variety of mouth watering Chef offerings done in Arab, Hindi and Swahili cultures.

The steamy and aromatic plates in the clove island are usually served against romantic settings, usually in candle lit, restaurants adorned with ancient structures.

Sometimes dinners are strategically arranged on sailing dhows in the Indian Ocean which surrounds the island. This also means that the island guarantees ample variety of sea foods as well.

Plus, in Zanzibar, according to John Samuel, a hotel worker, one doesn’t have to enter a restaurant or hotel for food, the Forodhani gardens for instance have everything that any mouth may wish for, in an open air setting complete with the view of the sea.

But despite all that, it is now Nairobi, the Kenyan City in the Sun, which has taken the gourmet idea and pinned it on the tourism noticeboard, making the destination a place to dine for foreign visitors sampling East Africa’s attractions.

A total of six city restaurants presented themselves during the launch of gastronomy promotional video in Nairobi.

The beaneries gracing the idea include, Boho Eatery, The View, Graze, Chop House International and Nyama Mama.

Conspicously missing was the rather famous ‘Carnivore’ a classic joint known for variety of fresh grilled meat from practically all edible creatures allowed in Kenya.

Until now the East African tourism industry hasn’t been taking food as seriously as should be. Kenya and Tanzania have always invested heavily on just tourists’ accommodation, gift shops and transport.

Food has always been bundled with hotel bookings and lightly offered as an after thought in ill-packed lunch boxes usually handled out during long and remote drives in National Parks and Game Reserves.

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