The Times of Tanzania
Eastern Africa News Network, Breaking News Tanzania

Kenyatta, Ndayishimiye, table DR Congo and Rwanda Conflicts

As Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo are still at loggerheads, efforts to address the situation as well as the long-reigned Eastern Congo conflicts got tabled in Bujumbura, Burundi.

Chairperson of the Summit of East African Community Heads of State, Évariste Ndayishimiye, who is also the President of Burundi, has just held consultations with the immediate former Kenyan President, Uhuru Kenyatta.

Kenyatta is the EAC Facilitator on the Peace Process in the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The two leaders addressed the current security situation in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) during their recent meeting in Bujumbura.

They encouraged continued complimentary engagement between the initiative led by the East African Community and the Luanda Process to ease tension between DR Congo and Rwanda.

Presidents Ndayishimiye and Kenyatta also reviewed the progress in the implementation of the political and military tracks, set out to stabilize Eastern DRC.

They noted that while the force generation and deployment are in progress, the political track is being energised towards a comprehensive solution to the protracted security situation.

Recent developments in North Kivu, particularly the resurgence of violence, which has undermined the gains that had been made, were also in focus.

Local armed groups had apparently offered to lay down arms in return for peace and urged all parties, to join in the quest for lasting peace in Eastern DRC through the inter-Congolese dialogue.

The meeting further called on all foreign armed groups to return to their respective countries of origin unconditionally.

The next session of the peace dialogue commences on 16th November, 2022 in Nairobi, Kenya.

But the Bujumbura meet underscored the need to uphold inclusivity by ensuring the participation of all stakeholders and noted that all sessions, henceforth, will accommodate various Community leaders.

The consultative meeting agreed on a roadmap for the implementation of the political track, towards a sustainable solution to peace and security in Eastern DRC.

Further, the consultative meeting appreciated the Republics of Burundi, Kenya and Uganda for timely deployment of troops.

They also urged other troop-contributing countries to expedite their deployment of forces within the agreed structure and framework.

The Chairperson reiterated that he is engaged in dialogue with all EAC Heads of State on embracing a regional approach, within the agreed framework, in handling the situation and building trust among EAC Partner States.

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