The Tanzania Times
Eastern Africa News Network

Finally, the East African Community Silently Edits ‘New’ Regional Map

The East African Community Secretariat has silently gone back to the drawing board and edited their ‘new’ map of East Africa which was released last week, ommitting Unguja and Pemba Islands from the fold.

The map redrawing comes after the Tanzania Times, pointed out the ommission of Zanzibar from the community, following a lone tweet by one of Tanzanian political party leaders, Zitto Kabwe.

Hilarious episodes are common things whenever the East African Community organize big events, thus it was no surprise when the badly drawn regional map emmerged out of the last week’s EAC event, held in Nairobi, Kenya.

It was during the ceremony to officially admit the DR Congo into the East African Community, graced by the EAC Heads of State Summit Chairperson, President Uhuru Kenyatta.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo was formally joining the East African Community, during the signing of the Treaty of the Accession of the DRC into the EAC in the Kenyan Capital, last week.

Ugandan and Rwandan Heads of State were also present, along their new member, the DR Congo President, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo.

During the event the alleged ‘New Map of East Africa,’ was released, causing uproar.

It seems they were too much in hurry to include DR Congo in the drawing at the expense of Zanzibar.

The Map of Errors

You can read more about that, allegedly, New Map of East Africa in the link below:

New Map of East Africa Cuts Out Unguja and Pemba Islands

The newly released map of the East African Community now includes the two main Isles on the Indian Ocean. As can be seen below.

The Previous map did now care about the presence of Unguja or Pemba in the initial drawing, as can be seen below.

No Unguja, No Pemba…..No Map

Essentially Zanzibar is the oldest Nation in the East and Central Africa Precinct.

Now part of Tanzania, it is composed of the Zanzibar Archipelago lies between 25 and 50 kilometres East of the the mainland, Indian Ocean coastline.

Zanzbar actually consists of various large and small islands, but is mostly known for the two large ones: Unguja and Pemba.

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