The Times of Tanzania
Eastern Africa News Network, Breaking News Tanzania

Central Bank Gets New Governor

The Central Bank of Tanzania now has a new Governor following the latest appointments and reshuffles from the State House.

President Samia Suluhu Hassan has appointed Emmanuel Mpawe Tutuba to serve as the new governor for the Bank of Tanzania (BOT), as per latest statement from the top office.

Emmanual Tutuba holds Advanced Diploma in Economic and Planning and MBA in Corporate Management from Mzumbe

He is replacing Professor Florens Luoga, the outgoing BOT Governor who has just completed his term at the Central Bank helm.

Professor Luoga, who now handled the banter to Mr Tutuba was appointed by the former head of State, John Pombe Magufuli to replace Professor Benno Ndulu.

On the other hand, the new BOT governor, Emmanuel Tutuba had previously served as the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance and Planning.

Tutuba was assistant Budget Commissioner in the Ministry of Finance until January 2020 when former President Magufuli appointed him Regional Administrative Secretary for Mwanza.

Samia later named Tutuba the Permanent Secretary in the Finance Ministry in April 2021.

Meanwhile the President has also appointed Dr Natu El-Maamry Mwamba to take over the position of the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Finance and Planning from Tutuba.

Dr El-Maamry is a former lecturer at the University of Dar-es-salaam (UDSM).

Prior to becoming the PS in the Finance Ministry, Dr El-Maamry served as the Chairperson of the Board for the Kilimanjaro Airports Development Company (KADCO).

KADCO is the entity which operates the Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA), the country’s second biggest air terminal located in the Northern Zone Circuit.

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