The Times of Tanzania
Eastern Africa News Network, Breaking News Tanzania

Africa endorses Tanzania’s Speaker for Global Inter-Parliamentary Union Presidency

Africa is endorsing the Speaker of the Tanzania National Assembly, Dr Tulia Ackson to be the continent’s main candidate in the forthcoming Presidential election for the global Inter-Parliamentary Union.

The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) is the global organization of national parliaments which empowers parliaments and parliamentarians around the world to promote peace, democracy and sustainable development.

The 15 Parliaments in the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) have unanimously certified Dr Ackson to be their sole candidate representing the East, Central and Southern African Geopolitics Region.

If elected, Dr Ackson will be the President of 189 Parliaments across the world for the next three years.

During the 53rd Plenary Session of the SADC Parliamentary Forum held in Arusha, South African legislators moved the special motion on a matter of urgency and regional importance, calling the house to support the candidature of Dr Tulia Ackson for IPU Presidency.

The Motion was moved by the South African Delegation, through Darren Bergman the Democratic Alliance Party Parliamentarian from the province of Gauteng.

It was seconded by Pedro Sebastio, a legislator from Angola, whose country is hosting the IPU Presidential polls in October 2023.

“Recognizing that all Member Parliaments of the SADC Parliamentary Forum are also Members of the Inter-Parliamentary Union,” stated Bergman.

 “The Southern Africa Development Community Group mandate includes consulting on Agenda Items under consideration at Inter-Parliamentary Union Assemblies for purposes of ensuring regional consensus,” he added.

“And cognizant of the urgent need for consensus by the SADC Group regarding the candidate for the Inter-Parliamentary Union President for the period 2023 – 2026 and recognizing the prestige of the position of President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, there is the need for a concerted and unified campaign to garner support for Ms Tulia Ackson’s candidature.”

Darren Bergman – MP From Gauteng, South Africa

The SADC parliamentarians reached agreement to field Dr Ackson from Tanzania as their sole candidate.

Previously, SADC had three potential candidates for the IPU Presidency, including Ms Catherine Gotani Hara, from Malawi and Mr Jacob Francis Nzwidamilimo Mudenda of Zimbabwe.

The others agreed to pull out of the race in support of the Tanzanian envoy.

“I am very grateful to the members of SADC Parliaments for trusting me and Tanzania to carry the regional flag in the IPU Presidency race,” stated Dr Ackson during an interview later on.

She admitted to be the first Tanzanian to be endorsed for the IPU Presidential race.

But outside SADC there is Ms Adji Diarra Megane Kanouteé of Senegal who is expressing interest to run for the IPU Presidency, however Tulia seems to have the biggest support on the continent.

The charming Dr Tulia Ackson is also being supported by the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA), and the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) which is one of the organs of the African Union (AU).

The SADC Parliamentary Forum will on the other hand establish a six-person campaign group, reflective of the diversity of the membership of the Forum, to lead and campaign other bodies and geopolitical groups in support of Ms Ackson’s candidacy for the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.

The forthcoming Presidential election for the Inter-Parliamentary Union comes up on 27 October 2023 in Luanda, Angola.

CONTINUE READING: Inside Dr Tulia Ackson’s IPU Briefcase

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